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  • CME for Surgical Specialists

    Continuing Medical Education (CME) Programme for Specialists

    1. Objective

      The objectives of CME/CPD is to ensure that Fellows


      maintain, develop or increase the knowledge, skills and competencies in fields of surgery that may change over the years, and

      enhance professional performance to enable the delivery of quality professional care and safe standard of practice to the patients, and public that Fellows serve.

    2. Supervision


      The CME/CPD programme of the CSHK adheres to and satisfies the principles and guidelines on CME/CPD set forth by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM).


      The CME/CPD programme will seek and receive formal approval from the HKAM before implementation.


      Any changes to the CME/CPD programme will also be approved by the HKAM before implementation.


      All Fellows of CSHK who are also FHKAM (Surgery) must satisfy the full requirements of the CME/CPD programme by the end of each Cycle.


      The CSHK will ensure compliance of its Fellows as defined in 2.4 with CME/CPD requirements.


      Non-compliance will be recorded and reported to the HKAM. The HKAM has been empowered to suspend the fellowship status of delinquent Fellows, unless it is satisfied that there are mitigating circumstances, and that the deficiencies can be remedied within an acceptable time.


      A CME/CPD Committee will be formed by the CSHK to deal with issues relating to CME/CPD activities which include:

      a. monitoring the CME/CPD programme and system;

      b. accepting activities which can be recognized for the purpose of CME/CPD;
      c. awarding CME/CPD points to the accepted CME activities;
      d. supervising and keeping record of CME/CPD points for the CME/CPD activities for the Fellows.

    3. The Cycle

      3.1 A cycle of CME/CPD assessment shall be three years.

      3.2 The Academy adopted fixed CME/CPD cycles from1 January 2005. For all FHKAM (Surgery) who have been admitted before the promulgation of this programme, the cycle shall start as from 1 January 2008.

      3.3 Fellows will commence their first cycle on the first day of the month immediately after their admission to Academy Fellowship; and the required CME/CPD points for the first cycle will be counted on a pro-rata basis.

      If the first cycle is shorter than 3 years:

      i. normal capping on individual CME/CPD categories will still apply; but
      ii. the minimum requirement of individual CME/CPD categories, if any, will be waived.

      3.5 Notwithstanding 3.3 above, if a Fellow has been certified for Specialist Registration and already started a CME/CPD cycle prior to his admission as an Academy Fellow, he shall continue the unfinished cycle until it ends.

    4. Measurement of CME/CPD Activities

      4.1 One point in CME/CPD activities is equivalent to one hour of participation in a Formal College Approved Activity (FCAA). College will decide number of points to be awarded to activities that normally cannot be accredited on time basis; and to individual CME/CPD categories.

      4.2 Audience participation as an attendee in FCAA would fall into the Passive Category.


      Fellows can claim both passive and active point(s) in a single FCAA activity but the total claim should not be more than the event’s principal accreditation (i.e. maximum of six points per day for up to three days as refer to 5.1.1). The College has the final discretion on approving the nature and points of the CME/CPD activity.

      4.4 Those have already scored points from Active participation could not score additional points from Passive participation.

      4.5 Over a 3-year period, each Fellow must collect a total of 90 points.

      4.6 A minimum of 15 CME/CPD points per year is recommended.

      4.7 Starting from 1 January 2008, no more than 75 points can be awarded for passive participation in a cycle. The minimum of 15 (Active) CME/CPD points is required.

      4.8 Each Fellow is responsible for collecting documentary proof of his CME/CPD points to be forwarded to the CSHK at the appropriate time for CME/CPD point accrual.

      4.9 The CSHK shall be responsible to assure that there will be sufficient provision of educational activities within the territory for the purpose of CME/CPD.

      4.10 It is strongly recommended that Fellows should maintain a balanced CME/CPD profile with a mix of different activities, including 5 points in a cycle from activities in Quality Assurance, Audits and Activities for Improvement of Patient/ Medical Care in order to capture the full benefit of different types of CME/CPD activities.

    5. Accreditable CME/CPD Activities

      5.1 Passive Participation in FCAA

      5.1.1 One CME/CPD point (passive) is awarded for each hour of passive participation in a FCAA at international level, up to a maximum of six points per day for up to three days. International meetings may be held locally or abroad.

      5.1.2 One CME/CPD point (passive) is awarded for each hour of passive participation in a FCAA organized by the CSHK or its subspecialties, up to a maximum of six points per day for up to three days.

      5.1.3 Postgraduate meetings organized by other constituent Colleges of HKAM and their subspecialties may also be accredited by the CSHK.

      5.1.4 Other FCAA in the form of local scientific meetings, lectures, workshops maybe awarded CME/CPD points, provided prior approval has been obtained from the CSHK.

      5.1.5 Postgraduate meetings for educational purposes organized by a centre which is recognized and accredited for surgical training by CSHK may be accepted as FCAA.

      5.1.6 Postgraduate meetings for educational purposes organized by a centre which is not recognized and accredited for surgical training by CSHK may be accepted as FCAA provided prior approval of such activities has been carried out by the CSHK.

      5.1.7 Organizing bodies must seek prior approval for accreditation for each meeting from the CSHK CME/CPD Committee 30 days or more prior to the activity taking place.

      5.1.8 Each individual is responsible for collecting documentary proof of his CME/CPD activities to be forwarded to the CSHK at appropriate time for CME/CPD point accreditation.

      5.1.9 Proof of attendance may be submitted by the Chairman of FCAA as documentation for CME/CPD activities of a group of Fellows for CME/CPD point accreditation.


      Active Participation in FCAA

      This includes activities at which the Fellow plays an active part in the programme.

      Speakers, presenters at FCAA
      A maximum of 6 points (active) per presentation and up to 12 points (active) for any one meeting.

      Panelists, chairmen or moderators at FCAA.
      A maximum of 3 points (active) per hour and up to 6 points (active) for any one meeting.

      Proffered paper, accepted and presented orally.
      A maximum of 6 points (active) for each paper and up to 12 points (active) for any one meeting.

      Non-oral presentation proffered and presented
      A maximum of 3 points (active) for each paper and up to 6 points (active) for any one meeting.

      Participation in hands-on interactive workshop/course directly related to surgery could be awarded with (active) points (including but not limited to dissection class, simulation course, laparoscopic workshop, ATLS or ACLS, etc.). 1 point (active) per hour would be awarded for active participation in interactive workshop.

      One CME/CPD point (active) is awarded for each hour of participation in a FCAA organized by the CSHK or its subspecialties upon completion of multiple choice questions related to the contents of the presentation.

      5.3 Self Study

      Self study is accepted as a form of CME/CPD activity which can be awarded CME/CPD points (active).

      One hour of self-study is awarded 1 CME/CPD point (active).

      Self study is only accredited with prior approval from the CSHK, and with the necessary evidence that it has been carried out diligently.

      Self-study on a surgical topic can be awarded CME/CPD points (active). Prior assessment and approval have to be obtained from the CSHK before the start of the self-study. The number of CME/CPD points (active) will be determined by the CSHK and will be awarded to the Fellow with the submission of a summary on the self-study. A list of journal articles read by the Fellow should accompany the Summary.

      Self study on articles from Index Medicus listed Journals can be accepted as CME/CPD activities, provided prior approval from the CSHK has been obtained. Self-study of journal articles may be awarded one CME/CPD point (active) per article with the submission of a summary of no less than 100 words per journal article, or reply to multiple choice questions related to the contents of the article.

      Self study of videotapes with prior approval from the CSHK and with the submission of a summary of no less than 100 words may be awarded 1 point (active) per video subject.

      Self study on web-based CME/CPD programmes can be accepted as CME/CPD activities, provided prior approval from the CSHK has been obtained. The number of CME/CPD points (active) will be determined by the CSHK and will be awarded to the Fellow with the submission of necessary evidence that it has been carried out diligently.

      A maximum of 10 CME/CPD points (active) may be awarded to any single self study activity.

      A maximum of 45 CME/CPD points can be accrued from self-study in a 3-year cycle.

      5.4 Publications

      For the purpose of CME/CPD points, only publications in fields related to surgery shall count.

      A publication shall accrue CME/CPD points at the time the material is accepted for publication (letter of acceptance should be submitted for proof) or is published (reprints should be submitted).

      A maximum of 10 CME/CPD points (active) may be awarded to thesis, books, chapters in books, original articles in Index Medicus listed journals or journals published by the HKAM or its constituent Colleges.

      A maximum of 5 CME/CPD points (active) may be awarded to Short Communications (for example surgical technique, Letters to the Editor) in Index Medicus listed journals or journals published by the HKAM or its constituent Colleges.

      Publication of non-Index Medicus listed journals and those not published by the HKAM or its constituent Colleges might also be awarded with CME/CPD points, application and the points to be awarded would be subject to the approval of the CME/CPD committee and approval must be obtained from the CSHK prior to publication.

      The same CME/CPD points (active) will be awarded to anyone of the individual authors in the publication as CME/CPD encourages involvement and it is by no means an academic assessment.

      Abstracts that have been presented at a FCAPM will not be awarded with dual CME/CPD accreditation.

      5.4.8 3 CME/CPD points (active) is awarded to reviewers of articles in medical journals.

      5.5 Research

      5.5.1 A research activity shall accrue CME/CPD points at the time the project is completed with an output.

      5.5.2 A maximum 10 points (active) may be awarded per published paper with the submission of a copy of the paper.

      5.5.3 A maximum of 5 points (active) may be awarded per poster with the submission with a copy of the output.

      5.5.4 Studying in postgraduate degree could be considered accreditable on submission with the documentation proof. Points awarded will be determined from case to case.

      5.6 Quality Assurance

      Quality Assurance Activity is only accredited with formal College pre-approval.

      Activities directly related to the practice of Surgery in relation to Surgery in General, General Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Paediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Urology may be accepted on project basis only.

      A maximum of 5 CME/CPD points (active) may be awarded per project with the submission of a formal Quality Assurance Report.

      For secondary participants, CME/CPD points (active) can be awarded with the submission of an individual report per project. A covering letter to indicate the participants’ role is needed.

      Maximum accrued CME/CPD points (active) for all QA-related activities in a 3-year CME/CPD Cycle are 20 points.

      5.7 Conducting Examination

      Participation as an examiner in specialist examinations organized by the College can be awarded CME/CPD point (active). One CME/CPD point (active) per hour and up to a maximum 10 CME/CPD points (active) may be awarded to any single examination.

      Participation as an examiner in other examination not organized by the College (including but not limited to undergraduate and postgraduate examination) can be awarded CME/CPD point (active). The examination must be related to surgery. One CME/CPD point (active) per hour and up to a maximum 10 CME/CPD points (active) may be awarded to any single examination.


      Participation in setting examination questions for College Examinations can be awarded CME/CPD points to encourage Fellows in the contribution of examination questions. The guideline is as follows:

      -    Membership Examinations: One CME/CPD point (active) would be awarded for every two submitted One Best Answer Question. Two CME/CPD points (active) would be awarded for every two submitted Extended Matching Questions and three CME/CPD points (active) for one accepted OSCE exam scenarios. The CME/CPD point may only be awarded to those submitted questions at a reasonable standard and quality, as determined by the Examination Committee. Up to a maximum 6 CME/CPD points (active) for the category of “5.7.3 Membership Examinations” may be awarded per year.

      -    Fellowship Examinations: One CME/CPD point (active) would be awarded for every two submitted MCQ questions and one CME/CPD point (active) for one submitted 5-minute viva question at a reasonable standard and quality. Participation in Question Writing Workshop can also be awarded CME/CPD point (active). One CME/CPD point (active) per hour and up to a maximum 6 CME/CPD points (active) may be awarded to any single workshop. Up to a maximum 6 CME/CPD points (active) for the category of “5.7.3 Fellowship Examinations” may be awarded per year.

      5.8 Development of CME/CPD Materials

      Participation in development of CME/CPD materials for self-study or e-learning may be awarded CME/CPD points (active).

      5.8.2 Materials in form of abstract or short communication for self study cannot attract CME/CPD points.

      5.9 Development of New Technologies or Services

      5.9.1 Development of new services and technologies can be awarded CME/CPD points (active).
      5.9.2 Detail information and documentation proof must be submitted to the CME/CPD Subcommittee for consideration.

      5.10 Activities for Improvement of Patient Cares


      Participation in learning/activities which do not fall into the above 5.1-5.9 categories but enhances the ability to practise clinical skills, patient management and cares can be awarded CME/CPD points (active), subject to the consideration of the CME/CPD CME Committee on case by case basis.

      Detailed information and documentation proof of 5.10.1 must be submitted to the CME/CPD Committee for consideration.


      Undergraduate Teaching


      Participation in undergraduate teaching organized by Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong can be awarded CME/CPD point (active). The teaching must be related to surgery. One CME/CPD point (active) per hour and up to maximum 15 CME/CPD points (active) may be awarded in a 3-year cycle

      5.11.2 The application has to be submitted via the University

    6. Activities Which DO NOT Attract CME/CPD Points


      Undergraduate teaching, other than those activities already counted under section 5.11.


      Postgraduate teaching, other than those activities already counted under passive and active participation under sections 5.1 and 5.2.

    7. Exemptions


      Retired from Active Practice

      The Academy will consider application for CME/CPD exemption from a Fellow only if he has formally submitted a written declaration to the Academy/College that he has retired from active practice.


      Acute/Prolonged Illness and Permanent Disability

      A Fellow who falls behind CME/CPD because of acute/prolonged illness or permanent disability can be exempted from the CME/CPD requirements on condition that he is not in active practice.

    8. Certification

      The CSHK will issue certifications to Fellows who have completed their CME/CPD requirements at the end of each cycle.

    CSHK 20231124153759_26417.png Principles / Guidelines for CMECPD Accreditation of Online Activities
